Simon Rumble

Simon Rumble photo


Resume for Simon Rumble

Personal and contact details

Nationality: Australian

Languages: English (native), French (fluent), Spanish (basic)

Email: Use the contact form

Key skills

I work at the boundary of marketing and web technology. My main focus is to help businesses start collecting better data to then use to make better decisions. No more using data to justify a decision that's already been made!

Employment history

Telstra, Sydney (October 2009-present)

Implementation and process reform of Telstra Media's sprawling Omniture installation. I have designed and implemented Omniture behavioural reporting for Telstra's IPTV services both online and in embedded devices (set top boxes and Internet-connected televisions).

I have started a weekly training regime for the entire company, aiming to get the philosophy of data-driven decision making throughout the business. Each fortnight I deliver a beginner's class to anyone who is interested in starting with the tool, and the following week we do a deep dive into a particular aspect of data collection and reporting. The response has been enormous, with around 30 people each week and a massive increase in interest and usage of Omniture.

Telstra Media is responsible for many dozens of sites across mobile and online, developed by different vendors and delivered through different platforms. Getting consistent Omniture coding across this environment is an enormous challenge. I have improved the processes to make the task more intuitive for site developers and enable the reporting team to repair broken implementations through centralised code.

My biggest achievement has been the implementation of reporting on Telstra's embedded IPTV platforms. In 2010 Telstra launched the T-Box, an IP-enabled Digital Video Recorder that gives access to Telstra's IPTV channels and movie download service. Telstra software for LG and Samsung Internet-enabled TVs and Blu Ray players give access to Telstra's movie download service and IPTV channels.

In a very constrained environment, I was able to get data flowing into Omniture from the different platforms and developers in a consistent manner, to deliver key business insights. This involved breaking new ground and developing new techniques for each platform.

AAPT, Sydney (September 2006-August 2009)

This contract began as a content manager, loading content into the new public web sites of a major business transformation project, Hyperbaric. Along the way I discovered ways to make tweaks to the CMS platform and work around problems to help us make the launch. Following the launch the contract was extended and I dove further into the integration of the various customer-facing web systems, performing bug triage and business analysis of solutions to business problems and working with the external supplier to deliver new functionality and bug fixes.

Working as the link between the technology and marketing areas, I produced and developed AAPT's various customer-facing sites across a range of CMS platforms. I integrated multiple back-end and third-party systems into the single user interface.

Implementation and operation of analytics tools WebTrends, Omniture and Google Analytics to inform marketing activity, advertising spending and customer retention. Introduction of A/B testing systems to optimise landing pages.

In 2009 I produced a new Drupal-based site with new design and architecture, integrated into twelve back-end systems. My task was to manage design, testing, content loading, integration, network changes and internal change control processes to get the site live on-time and on-budget. The new site simplified the sales checkout process from 15 steps to 5 and improved conversion 350% with a 30% lift in overall sales.

Systems I managed and integrated at AAPT include:

Read a case study of some recent work I did for AAPT.
AAPT dashboard case study

Freelance work, Sydney (2007-2009)

A range of consulting and journalism gigs.

Searchspace (now Fortent), London (June 2005-April 2006)

Senior Technical Author for financial compliance and fraud detection software products using Framemaker. Documentation for print and online help systems and development of automated document production using WebWorks Publisher. Preparation and management for translation.

The most interesting aspect of this job was working for a software development house using the waterfall model to successfully deliver tested, documented products on-time and on-budget. The secret to this seemed to be scrupulous scope management and well-padded estimates.

Pilat Media, Stonebridge Park, London (August 2001-June 2005)

Starting as Senior Technical Author, promoted to Documentation Team Leader managing a small team documenting a rapidly-developing television broadcast management system. Planned and implemented conversion from Microsoft Word to AuthorIT to facilitate automated production of both printed and online outputs.

The position also involved quality assurance, document production automation, implementation support at client sites and business analysis.

Avco, Shoreditch, London (June 2001-December 2002)

Consulting and programming of back-end for BBC Web education game. Linux setup and configuration.

Mute Publishing, Shoreditch, London (May 2001-December 2002)

Setup and maintenance of Web forum and email list system. Content management consulting.

Digital Science Limited, Mile End, London (March 2001-September 2001)

GNU/Linux Consultant, specialising in "dot-com" and ISP type companies with network support, management, scripting, maintenance and technical writing.

Consulting clients while at Digital Science:

Planet Three Publishing, Clerkenwell, London (February 2001-March 2001)

Technical author as a freelance writing for At Home With the Internet series of consumer publications.

Australian Consolidated Press Pocketbooks, Sydney (March 2001)

Writing Installing and Running Debian GNU/Linux chapter for third edition of the Linux Pocketbook publication in Australia.

Torrington Interactive, Bethnal Green, London (February 2001-March 2001)

Internal development and documentation of Perl in a mod_perl environment, HTML::Template, Oracle PL/SQL driven web fleet management application running on GNU/Linux servers. Documentation done on GNU/Linux system in Perldoc and SDF format.

Australian Consolidated Press Pocketbooks, Sydney (August 2000-October 2000)

Writing and editing of Webmasters Pocketbook, a guide to building a web site for absolute beginners. Distributed through newsagents in Australia and fattening Kerry Packer's wallet.

Spike Networks, Tokyo (March 2000-July 2000)

Consulting work for Spike Tokyo designing information architecture of a fashion database/online museum.

Australian Consolidated Press Pocketbooks, Sydney (March 2000)

Writing X Windows and Free Software chapters for second edition of the Linux Pocketbook publication.

The Executive Network, Sydney (November 1999-September 2000)

Strategic consulting as content and community producer. Development and implementation of online content and community strategy and technology selection for vertical portal site. GNU/Linux server setup and administration including scripting and configuration. XML news feed processing.

Spike Networks, Double Bay, Sydney (July 1999-March 2000)

Strategy and pre-sales producer. Involving web strategy development, pre-sales documentation, technical documentation and training for large-scale web products. Internal network documentation for global web hosting network. Client training in Tokyo on large intranet project.

Aurema (formerly Softway), Chippendale, Sydney (September 1998-July 1999)

Technical Writer. Documentation, FAQs, online help training and marketing materials for Unix resource management tools. Framemaker+SGML, troff, HTML and other tools used within the Unix and GNU/Linux environment. Also a short sting of business research, travelling around asking our clients what they did with our software. Systems used: GNU/Linux, Irix, Solaris, ReliantUnix, Tru64 Unix. Customer interviews and training. Unix and Perl scripting work.

Corporate Express, Rosebery, Sydney (May 1997-September 1998)

Further development of NetXpress including documentation, training design and coordination and customer training; Business analysis and internal application documentation; network documentation and planning; project management of international deployment of web application running on GNU/Linux, Solaris and DG/Unix systems.

Corporate Express, Rosebery, Sydney (April 1997-May 1997)

Contract to develop the online help system, paper training manual and internal procedures for NetXpress ordering system.

Wide West Media, Ultimo, Sydney (May 1996-April 1997)

Online and print editorial for a variety of publications including the discontinued Webmaster. Development, design and editor of Online World.

Freelance Work (November 1995-September 2000)

Freelance writing for, Australian NetGuide, The Australian, Webmaster, Network World and Macworld magazines including reviews, tutorials and general articles. Designing web site for Your Computer magazine.

Whiteway House, Rockdale, Sydney (January 1996-May 1996)

Video production including editing with Media 100 based online suite. Design, implementation and maintenance of online ordering Web site.

Wide West Media, Marrickville, Sydney (August 1995-November 1995)

Writing for Online World magazine; World Wide Web authoring.

August House Media Services, St Leonards, Sydney (February 1994-August 1995)

Maintenance of mail-order database; Design, typesetting and booking of advertising; Management of data-entry staff; Resolving customer problems.

Formal education

London College of Printing, 2005

2-day copy editing and proofreading course

PDA Solutions

Introduction to AuthorIT

Sydney University Further Education

Certificate of Attainment, Introduction to Pagemaker.

Corporate Express Training 1997-1998

Management Certificate

Train the Trainer Certificate

International Grammar School, Sydney 1992-1993

NSW Higher School Certificate TER score 72.15.

College St Louis, Le Mans, France 1991-1992

Exchange student with Southern Cross Cultural Exchange.

St Patricks College, Goulburn 1988-1991

NSW School Certificate.
